
Sunday 31 May 2015

Would You Like to Make Healthy Italian Sausage at Home in Ten Minutes?

I doubt if one could find an Italian menu that doesn't have the word sausage on it somewhere. The word sausage derived from the Latin word for salt. Since sausage making is even mentioned in "The Odyssey" by Homer, we know that sausage making has been around for over 2000 years!

Back before the days of refrigeration, generous amounts of salt were added to the meat to "cure" it. This was a form of preservation to keep the meat from spoiling as rapidly as it would without the salt. As time went by, new spices were discovered and added to the mix and dry sausage was born which lasted even longer than the simply salted variety. This was primarily developed in the southern areas of Europe where the weather was hotter. Northern Europeans had the cool weather on their side to help preserve their meats.

Sausage making is considered an art form by many chefs. There are thousands of varieties made daily around the world and different countries prefer different kinds. Although there are over 200 varieties made in the U.S. alone, the hot dog remains extremely popular. However, if you travel to Asia you will find many types of seafood sausages. Sausage is such a popular fast food in Finland, that they have an expression that a Finn is never too full to eat a bit more sausage. It is served everywhere you go and is always spiced with good homemade mustard.

Many people who try to eat healthy Italian food tend to steer away from sausage for a number of reasons. First of all, many sausages tend to have a high fat content. Secondly, one can only guess at what parts of the animal were used to make the sausage. Although many people don't want to mess around with making their own sausage and stuffing it in casings, it is really quite easy to make your own homemade bulk sausage that will result in a healthy Italian meal.

I recently read a post online from a young man in Japan. He said that he loved to make pizza for his friends, but the price of Italian sausage where he lives is the equivalent of $13 US dollars per pound. He was thrilled to learn how to make his own bulk homemade sausage so he could continue with his pizza making hobby without breaking the bank.

Would you like to see how easy making your own healthy Italian sausage can be? I'll share my recipe with you. I usually make two pounds at a time and freeze some for later use, so have two pounds of lean ground pork ready. I always mix my spices together before adding them to the pork.

Mix together 1/2 teaspoon of red pepper flakes, 1 teaspoon each of basil, oregano, thyme and sage, 2 teaspoons black pepper, 1 1/2 teaspoons of garlic powder and fennel seed, 1 tablespoon of salt and 2 tablespoons of paprika. Using your hands, incorporate this mixture into your pork until completely blended. Now place the mixture in the frig overnight so that the favors marry and you are ready to make your healthy Italian meal.

Mangia Bene!

Love Traditional Italian food? Check out Cirrus Culinnaire link.

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