
Thursday 16 April 2015

Healthy Food - Good For You and Delicious, Too

It's that time of year again. You're in the mall doing your holiday shopping, trying to find the best healthy food option because you're starving. All you see is the pizza and burger joints. You really don't want to sabotage your healthy eating routine, but you're really not sure if there is any healthy mall food. What are you going to do? Although, eating healthy can be difficult, especially when you're on the go, it doesn't have to be impossible.

Often there are healthier mall food options that can keep off the pounds better than a fatty burger, pizza, or French fries. So when you're snooping around the food court, first look for a restaurant that offers a lighter option such as a sandwich, salad, or even a quick on the go smoothie.
If you can find the salad or sandwich shop, this is a good start, but keep in mind everything is not always healthy! Opt for something with chicken, tuna (without globs of mayonnaise), or turkey breast. These will be your lightest options. Whole grain breads will be your best bet or even a whole grain tortilla or pita. Load up on the veggies, and leave out the cheese and for sandwiches pass on the dressing, or ask for a small amount. Mayonnaise and ranch can pack on the calories and thus pack on the pounds.
If you're eating the salad, again load up on veggies and get some grilled chicken or turkey so that you won't be hungry again in an hour. Choose lower calorie dressings, such as low fat options or Italian and only use as much as you need.
Smoothies can also be a great on the go meal or snack, especially when you're in a hurry. You don't even have to stop to eat it, but rather can carry it around the mall. But do be careful, many smoothies will add unneeded extra sugars that can turn something healthy into a nightmare. Don't be shy to ask the person behind the counter if they are using 100% fruit and if they have lowfat yogurt that can be mixed in or instead just get extra fruit. Many smoothie stores will even let you add some extra protein powder, which can really give that smoothie some staying power until your next meal.

So Please visit here for Pasta Delivery Singapore which is good for you and delicious, too.

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